Fiber, Your Body and the Ideal Protein Protocol

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Understanding Fiber and How it Works in the Body:

Fiber helps the body move food through the digestive tract, regulates the body’s use of sugars, helps keep hunger and blood sugar in check, and is a type of carbohydrate the body can’t digest. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble and we need both in our diets.

Insoluble Fiber:

doesn’t dissolve in water, is not broken down by the gut (digested) or absorbed by the body. Promotes regularity and helps prevent constipation. Sources include cucumbers, tomatoes, and veggies with stalks, skins, and seeds.

Soluble Fiber:

dissolves in water and can help lower glucose levels and blood cholesterol. Soluble fiber helps boost the population of good bacteria in the gut and helps with weight management by helping make people feel full longer. Also attributed to easier GI tract encounters and is found in brussels sprouts, broccoli, and other vegetables.

Konjac and Shirataki Noodles:

Konjac and shirataki noodles are derived from the root of the konjac plant, native to Japan. These noodles offer our clients a unique strategy for managing hunger because they are high in glucomannan, a prebiotic fiber that absorbs water in
the digestive process slowing digestion and delaying hunger. In addition to the many health benefits that result from the adequate intake of soluble fiber, konjac and shirataki noodles also provide a prebiotic benefit for maintaining gut health.

Konjac and shirataki noodles are versatile in use and may be used in many Phase 1-3 compliant recipes or combined with fat-free broth and vegetables. Please note the IP Konjac Spaghetti is not a partial protein meal replacement in any Phase.

A Note on Oligofructose and FOS Fibers:

  • Oligofructose and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) are fiber ingredients that have a sweetening effect with fiber characteristics that also act as a prebiotic feeding the “good” or “friendly” bacteria in the GI tract. Oligofructose and FOS have a glycemic index of zero and in some cases, are used to replace sugar alcohols. For example, the sugar alcohol Maltitol has nearly the same glycemic index as sugar and is absorbed in the gut, whereas oligofructose and FOS are not. Important to note, however, it is possible to have “too much of a good thing”. Too much fiber can cause GI upset which includes bloating, gas, cramps and other unpleasant side effects.
  • You can find the products that contain oligofructose and FOS in the Ordering System by doing an ingredient search or by selecting the product and looking under the product specifications.

Daily Menu Planning:

When planning your daily menus in any Phase on the Protocol, it is important to set yourself up for success.

Ideal Protein Konjac Spaghetti, which is a Daily Optional Item and not a partial protein meal replacement, contains extra soluble fiber clients should consider when making their daily selections. This is also true for the konjac and shirataki noodles you purchase at the store. A client may show sensitivity to products containing oligofructose or FOS because of the fiber content. As these beneficial ingredients appear in various products, we advise clients only consume Konjac/Shirataki noodles OR a product with oligofructose/FOS only once daily to minimize GI issues.

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